Pelvic Health Therapy

Fatigue, weight gain, pelvic pain, painful intercourse, bowel and bladder symptoms, fertility, perinatal and peri-menopausal care

There is Hope


the pelvis is everything

  • pelvic pain

  • difficulty peeing, pain, hesitation, frequency

  • leaking with sneeze, cough or working out

  • desparate to find a bathroom, avoid going out

  • difficulty pooping, constipation, diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome

  • difficulty or pain with intercourse

  • difficulty sitting, walking, sleeping

  • discomfort wearing tight clothing (jeans)

Pelvic health therapy 

If you have any of the above symptoms, you may benefit from pelvic health therapy.

Besides, you've probably tried everything else.


Pelvic rehabilitation is a specialization within physical therapy that requires extensive training, allowing physical therapists to evaluate and treat many conditions as mentioned above. Pelvic issues may also be accompanied by low back pain, groin or hip pain, coccyx (tailbone) pain, sacroiliac (SI) joint pain, etc.  Pelvic health includes care for women across the lifespan from pre-teens to post-menopausal. Pelvic rehabilitation therapy is also greatly beneficial during prenatal, pregnancy, and post-partum care.

Weather you know this is what you need, or you still have questions, sign up for a FREE 15-min phone consultation to discuss any concerns with me and see if we are a good fit. I will always refer you to someone if I think you need other services.

Telehealth rehabilitation is now available for those with pelvic health issues!

Symptoms related to pelvic health are closely related to our nutritional health and lifestyle factors, including sleep, stress management, and musculoskeletal imbalances in the body.

While pelvic health patients benefit greatly from manual therapy, including internal evaluation and treatment, these other aspects can be addressed remotely via phone or video consults. There are also self-treatment strategies you will learn. Addressing these aspects of your symptoms will give you a head start on your recovery.

Tara is equipped with many tools to assist you on your healing journey and to help you with your symptoms. You don’t need to wait.

Consider scheduling a free 15-minute consult to discuss your questions or concerns.