
With a functional Medicine Approach

pelvic pain, painful intercourse, bowel and bladder symptoms, perinatal and perimenopausal care

At Nutritional PT we provide a whole-body approach to your health and wellness.

We specialize exclusively in women’s health and provide various evaluation tools to investigate the root cause of your symptoms. We personalize your support based on your history, current nutrient status, and a thorough physical evaluation.

Do you need Support?

Do you have unexplained pelvic pain, painful intercourse, urinary leakage or urgency?

Are you experiencing peri-menopause symptoms, and no one will listen?

Do you have joint pain, digestion issues, or fatigue?

Nutritional PT can help investigate your symptoms to connect how you move, sleep, socialize, manage stress, and eat with how you feel. We work together to identify and correct imbalances through a wide range of evaluation tools and support strategies. You will receive a customized program to give you a clear path on what to prioritize and finally progress towards your goals.

Contact us or call to talk to a real person


Commonly Supported Issues

  • Pelvic Pain

  • Perimenopause symptoms

  • Painful intercourse

  • constipation, diarrhea, or other bowel issue

  • urinary leakage

  • urinary urgency

  • Fatigue

  • Headaches

  • Hormonal flow

  • Inflammation

  • Joint pain

  • Chronic pain

  • Digestion issues: IBS, diarrhea, constipation

  • GERD / Acid Reflux

  • Pregnancy

  • Trouble sleeping

During your program, we strive to answer these BIG questions:

  • Is there a deficiency or imbalance in the foundations contributing to your symptoms?

  • What should you prioritize in your healing journey?

  • What physical impairments are contributing to your symptoms?

  • Is there a specific nutrient that will work best for you?

  • When are you sufficient with that nutrient?

  • What do you need to maintain your success?

What makes Nutritional PT different?

Personalized Support:

At Nutritional PT, we treat you as a unique individual. You will experience a comprehensive initial evaluation followed by personalized follow-up sessions, with the ultimate goal of needing less but consistent support to keep you thriving. Interventions are tailored to each person and adjusted based on their individualized response. You can expect regular in-person (or virtual visits) without long wait lists or interruptions in your care.

Functional Medicine Fundamentals:

Patient-centered care: Promoting health as a positive vitality, beyond just the absence of disease.

An Integrative, science-based healthcare approach: Considers the unique, complex web of interactions of the patient’s physiology and lifestyle along with both internal and external factors that affect total functioning.

A combination of best practices: Integration of a variety of support strategies focusing on restorative care, and prevention through nutrition, diet, and exercise for optimal wellness.

We address major body systems.

Musculoskeletal: pelvic floor dysfunction, muscle imbalance

Neuromuscular: movement-related dysfunction and pain

Neuroendocrine: hormonal flow

Gastrointestinal: digestion issues

Detoxification: metabolic dysfunction

The Functional Nutrition Fundamentals

Food is energy. At the most basic level, food is a fuel source necessary for the body to function.

Food is information. Byproducts of food convey messages and assist with various bodily processes (e.g., metabolism, hormones, detoxification, etc.).

Food is a connection. Food brings people together, often as a central focus of social gatherings and celebratory events. Additionally, pleasant and unpleasant memories often incorporate the smell, taste, and texture of food. The reasons behind food choices, cravings, and aversions aren’t always logical or rational, and these reasons can often be tied back to our connections to food.

Food is medicine. We are what we eat. Foods and food behaviors influence the body and can contribute to underlying symptoms. These factors can be adjusted to move an individual toward their most remarkable state of health and healing. Choosing nutrient-dense foods that send support (not destruction) to the body is critical to optimal health.

Physical Thearpy Fundamentals:

Movement is vital: We know more than ever how important movement is for our overall health. The key is creating safe movement strategies that allow your body to move effectively in your current state.

Movement is Specific: Progressing movement through rehabilitative phases allows you to reach your ultimate activity goals.

Movement is limited: Imbalances in the musculoskeletal and neuromuscular systems are limiting factors to overall progress. Manual therapy addresses these impairments throughout your program

Health-promoting lifestyle factors that will be addressed

Manual Therapy: Hands-on manual therapy techniques to address underlying physical impairments that contribute to your symptoms.

Sleep and relaxation: Getting adequate sleep and making time for meaningful relaxation

Exercise and movement: participating in physical activity that can be performed within the parameters of an individual’s health status

Nutrition: maintaining adequate hydration and eating food that supports your health conditions.

Stress: Effectively managing existing stress and how to stimulate our rest, digest and healing nervous system.

Relationships: developing and maintaining healthy relationships and social networks while reducing the impact of toxic relationships

Stop feeling terrible. Let’s investigate the source of your symptoms! After a thorough intake, we can identify what’s not showing up on conventional testing. From there, we discover meaningful interventions. This whole-body approach will provide a customized plan to address your health concerns at the root cause.
— Tara Moore, PT, DPT, NTP, IFMCP

Consultation Process

If you are interested in working one on one with Tara Moore please click on the button below to let her know.

NOTE: Tara does not treat or diagnose, but is able to recognize weaknesses and strengths in order to provide proper system support.