Program Overview

+ What is Functional Medicine?

An approach to medicine that addresses the underlying causes of disease using a systems-oriented, individualized approach, which engages both client and practitioner in a therapeutic partnership. It reflects a personalized lifestyle medicine approach, and utilizes various tools to help organize the person’s story and determine appropriate interventions for the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases.

+ What is Functional Nutrition?

The advanced practice of personalized nutrition assessment, intervention, and monitoring, with the goal of promoting optimal health and preventing diet- and lifestyle-related illness. Learn more on the Functional Nutrition page.

+ What is personalized or individualized medicine?

Method that treats each person as a unique individual and takes into account the totality of personal history, family history, environment and lifestyle, physical presentation, genetic background, and components of mind, body, and spirit. Interventions are tailored to each person and adjusted based on the person’s individualized response.

+ What will the program be like?

The program will consist of an assessment to address common conditions related to weight gain, fatigue, and digestive problems through supporting major body systems such as hormones, digestion and detoxification. Based on the analysis of your past medical history, an online comprehensive nutrition questionnaire, as well as your current diet and exercise routine, you will receive a customized program to follow for 3 months. Your program will consist of lifestyle modifications that fit your schedule and are relevant to your wellness goals and correlate with improving your body systems based on assessment findings.

+ How long does it take to see results?

Results vary by each person. Some people feel improvements within weeks, while others may take a bit longer. A standard program is for a minimum of 3 months. Keep in mind, how long you have had symptoms, and how long it took to get that way. Your body doesn’t fail overnight. Years of stress, lack of sleep, poor diet and little exercise takes its toll and takes time to restore health. Once you start to feel better, this will motivate you to continue towards your optimal health. Often people don’t realize how bad they feel until they start feeling better. On average, it takes one months of repair for each year you’ve suffered from a specific problem.



+ What is the best way to schedule?

The easiest way to schedule an appointment is by using our online scheduler. CLICK HERE to go there now.

+ How quickly can I get an appointment?

It is recommended that you schedule an appointment 2-3 weeks in advanced. This will allow you enough time to complete and return your paperwork at least 1 week prior to your appointment.

+ How much time do I have if I need to cancel?

Twenty-four hours is required for cancelling appointments. You may be billed at 50% of your appointment fee if cancelled within 24 hours of your appointment time.

+ What is included in my initial consult?

A thorough review of your health history, review of your nutrition questionnaire and your three day food journal will be done at the initial consultation. You will receive educational materials on health and nutrition and a 12 week resource guide to assist in your health journey.

+ Who will I work with?

You will work exclusively with Tara Moore. Tara is a Doctor of Physical Therapy, Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and a Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner through the Institute of Functional Medicine. With this advanced training, Tara is able to investigate using a variety of tools. She will work to identify weaknesses in your overall wellness to determine and prioritize the need for support. Customized recommendations will be suggested for you after thoroughly reviewing your past medical history, nutritional questionnaire and your food journal.



+ What are the fees for consultations?

15 min. phone consultation: FREE

Initial consult: $195.00

60 min. Follow-up: $100.00

30 min. Follow-up: $55.00

+ What type of payment can you use?

We except all major credit cards. You can pay for services through our website.

+ How will you get billed?

Payment is due at time of consultation. All major credit cards are excepted.

+ What if I need to cancel?

Twenty-four hours is required for cancelling appointments. You may be billed at 50% of your appointment fee if cancelled within 24 hours of your appointment time.

+ Does Nutritional PT take insurance?

We do not bill insurance companies at this time. It is up to each individual to determine whether their insurance plan provides coverage for consultations, supplements and lab tests. Upon request, we will provide a superbill to you that lists CPT and diagnosis codes that you may submit to your insurance company. Most insurance companies will not reimburse for supplements. Please note that we cannot guarantee reimbursement.



+ What is the fastest way to order supplements?

The fastest way to order supplements is through the online dispensaries on our Supplements page.

+ How long does it take to get lab tests back?

If you are getting lab tests done, the results should be received within 2 to 4 weeks after mailing your specimens to the lab.

+ How many labs will I be required to have done?

Often you can start your program without any labs. Adding lab tests to your program may be an option for more focused support.

+ Can I order my own test kits? Or can my regular doctor order the lab tests for me?

Lab testing is optional. There are ways to purchase lab tests on your own. Tara can guide you through this process if the need arises.