"What do you eat on the WHOLE 30?"
Today is day 30 of my Whole 30 challenge!! Here is where I answer the top question people ask me when I describe this challenge….
"So what do you eat?"
This was today.
• microwaved scrambled eggs with olive oil & homemade ketchup and a tangerine
• 2 Applegate Hot Dogs microwaved with Trader Joe's sauerkraut with spicy mustard
• 4 prunes and a few cashews
• Slow cooked pork loin in green salsa and tomatoes
◦ Covered with Wholly Guacamole (that I doctored up with leftover green salsa from Chipotle, fresh lime juice and red salsa)
• Roasted broccoli and cauliflower with salt and garlic powder
I worked a 10 hour day today, have not been getting enough sleep and still felt pretty good. The second most asked question is....
"What will you do when it's over?"